Empowering SMEs for Tomorrow.

SME CFO Suite. Payables and Receivables Simplified.

Pavenow web and mobile view

Spend Management with Seamless Integration

Close Faster.
Focus on Growth.

Faster Account Reconciliation

AI based OCR, no more missing receipts, invoices, or duplication due to manual entry. Set reminders, track payment status: Get paid for your invoices on time.

Pavenow Mobile App Screenshot

SME Lending via Cards

Keep your business momentum going with Cards based SME lending.

Pavenow three credit cards
Account balance graph sample

Effective Cashflow Management

Get insights on where you stand today in one clean cashflow report.

Seamless Accounting & Banking Integration

One click report for accountant or direct push to accounting software. Eliminate duplicate entry. Get one file for batch payments.

Ipad with Pavenow web app design

Clear and Simple Pricing.
Built to Scale with You.

For Go-Getters

Suitable for freelancers or sole entrepreneurs

What’s included?

Invoice payments & vendor management               

AI powered Receipt Digitization for Expenses                

Custom Invoice Generation with Smart Reminders

Access via Web and Mobile App                               

Contact Sales

For Teams

Suitable for micro and small teams

What’s included?

Everything Tier 1 +                                    

Export to Accountant or accounting software

Employee Claim Management and Approval Policy           

Two Free Onboarding Training Calls                           

Contact Sales

For Enterprise

Suitable for medium and large companies

What’s included?

Everything Tier 2+                                        

Dedicated Premium Account Manager                     

Personalized On-Demand Onboarding Sessions

Custom ERP/Accounting Integration                  

Contact Sales

Plan Comparison

A plan for every stage of your growth. Whether you are just starting out or scaling up, we have the perfect plan to meet your needs

Invoice Payments & Vendor Management
AI-powered Receipt Digitization for Expenses
Custom Invoice Generation with Smart Reminders
Access via Web and Mobile App
Export to Accountant or Directly to Accounting Software
Employee Claim Management and Approvals
Two Free Onboarding Training Calls
Dedicated Premium Account Manager
Personalized On-Demand Onboarding Sessions
Custom ERP and Accounting Integration
free for 45 Days
then 19 PLN/user/ month
Invoice Payments & Vendor Management
AI-powered Receipt Digitization for Expenses
Custom Invoice Generation with Smart Reminders
Access via Web and Mobile App
Export to Accountant or Directly to Accounting Software
Employee Claim Management and Approvals
Two Free Onboarding Training Calls
Dedicated Premium Account Manager
Personalized On-Demand Onboarding Sessions
Custom ERP/Accounting Integration
free for 45 Days
then 49 PLN/user/ month
Invoice Payments & Vendor Management
AI-powered Receipt Digitization for Expenses
Custom Invoice Generation with Smart Reminders
Access via Web and Mobile App
Export to Accountant or Directly to Accounting Software
Employee Claim Management and Approvals
Two Free Onboarding Training Calls
Dedicated Premium Account Manager
Personalized On-Demand Onboarding Sessions
Custom ERP/Accounting Integration
Invoice Payments & Vendor Management
AI-powered Receipt Digitization for Expenses
Custom Invoice Generation with Smart Reminders
Access via Web and Mobile App
Export to Accountant or Directly to Accounting Software
Employee Claim Management and Approvals
Two Free Onboarding Training Calls
Dedicated Premium Account Manager
Personalized On-Demand Onboarding Sessions
Custom ERP/Accounting Integration

Businesses Struggle with Revenue Collection and Spending Control.

48% of SMEs lose or miss invoices constantly

Directly resulting in loss of revenue.

87% of SMEs are consistently paid late

Disrupting cash flow and limiting opportunities to reinvest revenue.

7h/week wasted on manual reconciliation

Leading to unnecessary costs and potential inaccuracies due to human error.

Designed for Entrepreneurs, Built by SME Owners.

Business is inherently challenging, that's why Entrepreneurs and SMEs are our heroes. We understand the challenges of managing business finances and administration while trying to grow your business.

We Understand the Challenge of Building a Business.

PaveNow is built on over 30 years of SME experience, with now a diverse, industry-leading portfolio and a combined annual revenue of US$3.7 billion across North America, Europe, and Asia. In Europe, our ownership of one of the first independent banks in the Baltics and an emerging Banking as a Service (BaaS) platform enable us to offer the best solutions for SMEs.

What They Say About Us

"We are a restaurant group of 12 outlets worldwide, with countless bills, invoices and receipts to manage day. PaveNow has allowed us to streamline our spend management process, with one time entry that’s integrated to our banks globally and accounting system."

Finance Director,
Group of Restaurants

"Until we implemented PaveNow, managing over 3,000 employee claims every month was very challenging. PaveNow has really transformed our business process and reduced our accounting reconciliation process significantly."

Cassena Care

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is PaveNow?

PaveNow is a dedicated SME CFO Suite focused on Spend Management activities, including expense management, bill payments and invoice generation. PaveNow offers seamless integration to your bank and accounting system. Our goal is to eliminate duplication of entry, reduce errors and save time for our SME customers.

Where is PaveNow based?

We’re based in Warsaw, Poland with our Holding company based in London, United Kingdom.

Who is PaveNow?

We are lifelong SME Entrepreneurs ourselves. The Group today has a diversified and substantial holdings in Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Industrials, Banking, Hospitality, Sports Entertainment, and Technology across the US, Europe and Asia with a combined annual revenue of US$3.7 billion. As part of the portfolio, the Group owns one of the oldest independent banks in the Baltics.

Can this be used on the web and mobile?

Yes, you can use Pave on both your mobile (Android and ioS) and on your Desktop.

Can I speak with an account manager?

Yes, Please email us at sales@pavenow.io

Can I use PaveNow internationally?

Yes. The SME pain point we are addressing is applicable everywhere!